Standards Of The 21st Century
Hey whoever is out there, it is me again. Now I know this is discussed within the media and whatnot a fair amount (at least where I am) but I wanted to talk about society and the standards we lay upon ourselves. I understand men and women of all ages within 2016 feel the need to dress a certain way, act a certain way and fit within a stereotype of out century. There may be many types of styles and many different types of stereotypes, yet there is a broad umbrella of do's and don't's within our lives. You should try and work a job that gives the best salary, only wear what others find to be the best clothing brands and have the most interesting traits. This may make others happy, yet it takes away what is so special to our society, individuality. I feel as if we need more people that can be who they want and speak their mind, because without individuality, this world just isn't as special. This was another short post, yet I wanted to touch on the subject and refer back to the matter at a later date. Thank you for looking at this post if you do see it. It may only be words on a screen to you, but writing this helps to keep me sane sometimes.